When I was in college, before Amazon was well known, I used to browse the "Weird Stuff" category on Ebay...back then it was still hip. You'd find some pretty crazy stuff. I once came across a possessed spirit in a glass jar. It had a very convincing story and basically said, you'll die if you open this jar.
These things aren't quite that odd but it's still pretty funny that they're available for purchase.
The Yodeling Pickle...which based on it's description provides hours of entertainment.
Instant Underpants...if you can wear them when they're wet, otherwise you'll have to wait for them to dry.
The Handi-Corn...a Unicorn for your hands
Nothing...it's literally an empty package. The is like the joke about opening a Restaurant called "I Don't Care" so when you ask your wife or girlfriend where she would like to eat and she responds with "I Don't Care", you can take her there.
Unicorn Meat..."Magic in Bite". I wonder if it will make you fart rainbows? ...spoiler alert, it's not actually meat.
The "Nap Sack"...take a nap anywhere at anytime. Or use it for kidnapping someone.
Duck Money Soap - This one is kinda cool since it could be a $50 bill so it's like gambling, but it's still weird.
The Cute Tiger Useless Machine - You flip a switch and a tiger pops up and turns the switch off. It's a machine in which its only function is to turn itself off.
Donald Trump Toilet Paper...wipe your butt with President Trump
You can also buy a roll with his tweets
Dry Brew Coffee Chews...it's like nicotine gum but coffee.
Comment below if you've come across any more ridiculous products on Amazon.
And Here's a Shameless YouTube Video Plug
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