Body work can get expensive. Insurance is expensive. Deductibles are high. If your repair is going to cost more than your car is worth, you get creative.
1. Make A Detailed Map
2. That's Where Thor's Hammer Went...
3. One Way To Deal With A Scratch
4. Crack Your Bumper Open Only to Find Out It's Occupied
5. Bad Kitty
6. Mailbox 1, Honda 0
7. Batman Have Been Involved
8 & 9. HULK SMASH!
10. Apply A Little Turtle Wax...
11. Just Stitch It Up With Colorful Zip Ties
12. Nothing Stops Chuck Norris
13. Must Be An Import From Isla Neblar
14. His Daughter Put A Band-aid On Everyday Until It Was Fixed
15. Blame The Wife
16. One way to deal with it
17. A bandaid will fix it
18. Just So Everyone Knows You're Not a Bad Driver