Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Girl Gets Randomly Added To Soccer Mom Group Chat Then Trolls Them For Days

I hate group chats sometimes. I go to text my friend back and accidentally text the entire group again. Luckily I don't talk shit about people so, I've never pissed anyone off, just funny stuff. 

Let's all hope if we're ever added to a group text by accident we'll be as clever as this girl. 

She was added into a group chat by a bunch of soccer moms, but, she doesn't have a kid on the team and decided to do some trolling.

Would you like to pretend like you’re one of the soccer moms on this group chat, despite being added to it accidentally? Well Facebook user Christi Rantis Lally said yes to this situation and it provided some hilarious results
She wrote on Facebook: This past week I received group texts BY accident. They are a bunch of parents and a coach for some kids soccer team. Instead of telling them they had the wrong number, I did this. I am a horrible person… I’m so sorry Coach Juan.
 This is some expert level trolling...