Wednesday, May 30, 2018

30+ of the Most Cringe Worthy Tattoos

Everyone makes poor choices in their life but a tattoo is one of the last things you want to be a poor choice. Maybe you regret getting that tramp stamp when you were 16 and on spring break at the'll probably make it through life just fine. These people on the other hand will have people ridiculing them and questioning their judgement for the rest of their lives. 

1. Ah the pen is mightier than the sword.

 2. DIY Tattoo

3. A few pieces missing from their puzzle

4. That's a keg not a 6 pack

5. Spoiler: she said no

6. Oh...yes...she's...ummm...beautiful?

7. Yes, Measure Twic Cut Once

8. So, Give up?

9. Never tattoo a girlfriend of boyfriend's name on your body


11. A lot more than Daddy Issues going on here.

12. Gimme my 5 year olds drawing


14. The: "Don't Hire Me" or "I make extremely bad decisions"

15. I'd be afraid of that stomach too.

 16. This guy is going places

17. Another DIY Tattoo

18. Always ready for golf

19. This one will haunt my dreams forever.

20. Fair enough

21. ...

22.  I'll say it again...

Never tattoo a girlfriend of boyfriend's name on your body

23. You couldn't even pay me to get a tattoo from this guy

I guess she is an Ex now?

Father's Day is coming up, get your dad something nice.

Shameless YouTube Video Plug


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